Friday, October 11, 2013

The Life of a Receptionist

Well folks, all of my hard work has finally paid off.

Most people think the job of a Medical Receptionist is a lowly no power type of job, but most people are wrong. 

Receptionists rule the office. They tell everyone where and when to be and what to do. Who can come and who has to go. And if you are ever unfortunate enough to make the gatekeeper mad there is major hell to pay! (that last part may be a teeny tiny bit of an exaggeration). You want to be nice to your receptionists and do what they tell you and life will be easier. 

Yesterday I proved I have successfully trained everyone at work.

I went in knowing that I was getting free pizza. It was our annual forums and they always supply Pizza Hut
pizza for us. 

I got to work early and was sitting at my desk, when one of the Physical Therapists walked in and handed me a Tupperware container filled with sugar cookies stuffed with Nutella and topped with salt (they were to die for).

For lunch I went downstairs and ate my Pizza Hut taco pizza and Diet Pepsi provided for the meeting (and I also love meetings, so that's a plus).

When I went back upstairs I was greeted by my patients with "You're so pretty!" and "I love your hair!" 

Late afternoon arrived and I was brought an Iced Vanilla Latte by another one of my Physical Therapists.

About a half hour later I was offered another Latte by administration that I regretfully had to decline, because I already had one.  

Our runner (who runs papers and stuff around the building) brought me the People magazine that I got to enjoy while sipping my coffee. 

You could say it was a pretty wonderful day at work. 

And top the whole day off I went over to my parents' house after work and my mother had gourmet goodies and red wine waiting for me. (it may have been for a whole group of people, but after how my day had been I felt like it was just for me.)

It was a wonderful day!

I text Mona and told her of all the great and wonderful things that had happened to me.

At first she said "It's like you work in Dermatology on Grey's!" (you will only get this if you are as addicted to Grey's Anatomy as we are)

Then she sent me this picture and said "this is what you looked like while eating those cookies"

I answered by saying "But there was someone there to hand wipe my face with a moist towelette!"


I work in a great department with great people. I love my job and I would do anything for any of my coworkers. I bake cookies and bring coffee for them just as much as they do for me and go out of my way to make sure their schedules run smoothly.

We often do things just to be nice, it just seemed like all the niceness was wrapped up in one all around nice day yesterday and I have to say, it was kinda nice.