It breaks my little heart to say this...sniff sniff.

Book reviews are wonderful temptations. They have pretty pictures of the books and wonderful character descriptions. They give you just enough detail about the plot line, to not give everything away, but leave you wanting more.
I hate it.
They make me want to read it then and there. To dive into that uncharted story. Find out what they are talking about. I don't want to be left out of the fun, I want to be there! I don't want to wait! I want an Umpa Lumpa NOW!
I have a full-time job, a part-time job, and do school full-time. This does not leave enough time in the day to read all the books I want, when I want and this is very upsetting.
Even if I did nothing all day but read I still would not have enough time left in the day to read all the books on my own book list! And it just keeps growing because of these stupid book reviews!
End of story. Period.
(Dear Book Reviewers, I love you. I know our relationship is destructive, but I just can't give you up. I can't really leave leave you, if you know what I mean. We can continue on, but our relationship will have to be on the DL. I don't want my readers getting the wrong idea about me.)