According to this class I should NOT be carrying a gun.
"Defending your life has legal and emotional consequences – you life will never be the same. Before carrying a firearm for self defense, make sure that in your mind you are willing and
capable of using the firearm effectively."
I am not willingly able to use the firearm and I don't want to deal with the emotional consequences, so that does not make me a good candidate for a firearm carrier.
In Wisconsin gun safety training is not a requirement for owning a gun or open carry (not hiding you gun while out and about) it is only required for concealed carry (keeping your gun under your shirt or in your purse while out in public).
There is SO much responsibility to owning and carrying a firearm. I don't know how taking a class is not a requirement. We have to take classes and get a licence to drive a car because it is considered dangerous and you can harm other people, but not a gun.
I would highly recommend that you take a gun safety class, even if you don't want anything to do with guns. Education on how to safely use firearms and education about gun laws is beneficial for everyone. Wisconsin offers gun safety classes for free, check to see if your area does as well. If you do plan on owning a firearm, please, please, be a responsible owner and take a safety class!