Friday, August 30, 2013

cranky luna

Normally, I am not a cranky person. I have a really slow temper. I like to make excuses for other people's bad behavior and let it roll of my back. Normally, I can handle just about anything and anybody. Especially at work. I can handle the rude and the mean. I can even handle someone who threatens to come and beat me up over a pair of shoes.

But, today was not a normal day for me. One of the girls in our building did not show up for work today, so this had me doing double the work. This was a normal thing. People were a little snippy. This was a normal thing. There was no where to fit people in our schedule. This was a normal thing. The unnormal thing was me. I was cranky and irritable.
Don't Mess With Me Today!!

I was instantly cranky with any and every person. I don't think I smiled all day. Oh I did the fake, professional, I don't really mean it smiles. But as soon as the person turned away the smile was gone. I was short with people, didn't go out of my way to be helpful, and wished that everyone would just go away.

As the day went on it only got worse. I  got worse. I couldn't believe I was responding this way, I didn't know what was wrong. I don't like being cranky. Irrationally cranky. I don't like my emotions to control me. I like to be in control of how I respond to things and I was out of control (I may have some control issues).

By the time I got home I had a massive headache, I was mad at the world, and mad at myself for not being able to not be mad.

That's when it hit me like a brick wall. This was my "withdrawal symptoms". I had been so busy all day I didn't even notice. I didn't get my fix. I WENT A WHOLE DAY WITHOUT MY HAPPYCAPPI! I went a whole day without any caffeine!

I nearly passed out from the realization. How could I have not noticed? It's my HappyCappi! The source of my happiness! It even has the word HAPPY in the name! (I think I may have to reevaluate my caffeine addiction)

I thought about going and finding some caffeine to put into my system and get my fix to make me feel better, but I was too cranky to even bother. I just went to bed. Yes, that's right. I went to bed at 8:00 PM that's 6 hours earlier than normal. In my defense I have also been a little sleep deprived on top of being caffeine deprived (a 2-6 AM sleep schedule is not always effective). I hit my pillow and was out like a light. I slept for ten hours and it was wonderful!

A Crazy Kinda Happy
I have to admit the first thing I thought about when I woke up was coffee. I have it now and I am happy. That's all that really matters right?

Next on my lowercase to get your priorities straight: Coffee is not the source of all your happiness.