
Thursday, January 2, 2014


Happy 2014 people!! We made it. There was no 2013-2014 New Year's Apocalypse like Y2K. I, personally, am still worried about zombies. I haven't seen any yet, but you never know. It's a slow starting apocalypse. I'm just saying keep your eyes open for the next few months.

Well, Mona and I have been talking today about the possibility of roommates. Since I am trying to "say yes more" and we are trying to save money for Italy and opening our coffee shop, so I said yes.

I, of course, went right to Craigslist. Even if my mother would kill us for finding a roommate on Craigslist, I like looking for laughs.

We could be sharing our place with a 55 year old woman right now or we could take a chance on someone who is looking for a drama free place (sorry Mona is all drama) or there is the person who insists on exactly 1/2 of the fridge space and one-three shelf cupboard in the kitchen. All sound promising to me.

Mona took the more sane approach and posted to her actual friends on Facebook.

We already have two people interested in our rooms. I mean, come on, who would not want to live with us?

To save extra money Mona and I are renting out two rooms and sharing the third. Mona and I are going to go from having a three bedroom apartment to ourselves to sharing a room. We are going to be extra super close sister roomies. We have never shared a room before, so this will be interesting. Hopefully we are mature enough to handle it without having to put tape across the room. (although I might still do it to annoy Mona)

The super bad thing is now I have to move my timeline on cleaning my apartment up to this week instead of waiting until the end of the year to meet my resolution and possibly adjust it to keep it clean at all times. YUCK.

I'm also going to have to be nicer. I like to be a hermitis vampire when I get home and with people around they will want to talk to me. They might even want to open the room darkening drapes and turn on the lights! I don't know how I'm going to react if they open the drapes! I might hiss a little bit.

Sigh, but I think it will be good, so I won't hiss and complain too much. I might even try to like it a little bit, but no promises. I don't want you to hold me to it and complain when I complain. That just wouldn't be good for anybody.

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