
Monday, January 6, 2014

Baby, It's Really Cold Outside

It's cold. 

I know the weather is something you really only talk about when you have nothing else to say, but it's REALLY COLD outside!

The temp when I woke up this morning was -14 with a windchill of -44 (that is actually what my weather app reported and not a gross exaggeration). 

Unfortunately, I think I have been outside more today than I have all winter and it's only 7:30 AM. 

As soon as I woke up I bundled up and when out to my car to make sure it would start. It chugged a little and my windshield wiper wouldn't work, but it did start. 

Then I lugged myself back inside. 

After getting ready for work, I bundled up again and made my way back out to my car. Once in said care, I reached for my phone that should have been in my pocket...only to find it was not there. 

It was practically 1000 degrees below zero (if you round) and if my car stalled I would NEED my phone to call for help or I would freeze to death!

So, back outside I trudged in search of my phone. 

I couldn't find it anywhere, I thought it might be hiding because it didn't want to go outside it the cold. After awhile I gave up and went back to my car in hopes that I wouldn't freeze to death on my way to work. 

Apparently it had fallen out of my pocket and was sitting right on the seat. 

Stupid phone.

I drive all the way to work and just as I start to get out of my car to go inside, I realize...I left my key at home! I can't get in the building. While extremely frustrated that my inanimate objects are not working well with me today and apparently trying to kill me, I'm just glad I didn't walk across the frozen tundra of a parking lot before I realized I was locked out of the building for another twenty minutes. 

So, instead I drove to the gas station across the street. That way I didn't have to sit out in my freezing car for that long, because even though it had been running for the last 40 minutes, it still wasn't fully warm. 

Back out of the car to go in and out of the gas station.

Then back across the street to wait in my car another five minutes before the doors unlocked. 

When the time finally came I made the trek across the parking lot. Thankfully the doors were unlocked. I made my way in through the first set of doors only to find the second set of doors unusually locked. I was trapped in the entry way.

I know that last part isn't technically standing outside, but it was it still counts. I could have froze to death in the two minutes I had to wait!

I had to pick the coldest day to be forgetful. 

Or maybe it's the cold making me forgetful? 

Yup. I'm gonna blame the cold. 

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