Monday, December 23, 2013


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Friday night we bundled up and slid all the way to Walmart during a Wisconsin ice storm to do our traditional bell ringing for the Salvation Army (Otherwise known as the Salvo by us) 

Mom, Dad, Mona, and some of our friends do this every year. And this, as Julie Andrews would put it, is one of my favorite things. 

And we can't be boring about it, that just wouldn't be right. We sing Christmas carols while we are standing in the bitter cold for hours! 

I know you are picturing angels singing, but it's not exactly angelic.. 

We sing loud and off key with tambourines and egg shakers...we even had a triangle this year! And, I won't name names, but the last two years someone (Mona) has gotten so crazy they've broken bongos. 

We jump and dance and play our instruments all while singing at the top of our lungs. We can't sing a second verse to save our lives and we sing Feliz Navidad more than anyone should. But even with our off beat singing we raise the most money our Salvo gets from bell ringing and we have a blast!

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