
Thursday, January 23, 2014

I Don't Understand Twitter

I've been on a HUGE Twitter kick this brisk and windy Thursday morning (and by huge I mean I've twittered...? twitted, tweeted? I'm going to go with twitted because I like it best, even if it's wrong. So I've twitted 5 tweets in the last two hours, and, by my very low and pointless Twitter standards, that's a LOT).

As you can probably tell from my improper use of Twitter vocabulary, I'm rather new to the Twitterverse (I think I've actually heard that word used before, so I'm improving).

About 99% of the time when I'm scrolling through my feed, my eyes glaze over and my mind races as it tries to pick out actual words amongst the vast amount of clever run on hashtags and overabundant web links. Most of it just looks like mumbo jumbo nonsense to me. I can't make heads or tales out of it without giving myself a migraine.

@someoneidontknow #I #like #tweets #idon'tknowifthisisonewordornotbutlookatthiswebsite

Basically, I feel like a colossal idiot when it comes to Twitter. I don't like things that make me feel like an idiot. You could say I have an intensely devastating allergic reaction to it. I get annoyed. 

Slowly, but surely I'm getting the hang of this whole twittering thing. One day I will know it all! Or at least I'm remaining blissfully and ignorantly optimistic about it. (Please don't burst my tiny bubble of social media sanity). #onedayiwillgetit 

Even if I'm the worst person on Twitter, I'm having fun. That's all that matters...right? 

You can follow my pathetic attempts of twitting tweets @mylowercaselife 


  1. I feel the same way when it comes to pinterest. I have no idea how to do it and don't know any of the lingo. I am slowly learning though. Glad you are still giving twitter a try though!

  2. I just pin the pretty pictures on Pinterest, so I don't know about that one either.

  3. What are you wanting to do on pinterest that you can't do? As for Twitter, takes a bit to learn how to read it but it is a lot of skimming because it would be almost impossible to read every single word.

  4. Don't you worry friend , Twitter seems a badass at first . But it will turn fun eventually (like what it happened to me)

  5. I just pin the pictures and say something nice or funny about it. Is there more you are suppose to do?

  6. I'm just doing what I'm doing, right or wrong, and I am having fun!

  7. No not really, I've just started putting any photos from my blog up there because it links back. I've gotten some readers that way.

  8. Yeah, I've found it to be helpful. I got over a 1,000 hits from Pinterest when I posted the letter I wrote to my mailman. (Going Postal #1 on my popular posts)

  9. I so don't get it either!

  10. It's been a few months and I "think" I've gotten a little better, but probably not. Who really knows?
